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The Sidecar resource allows you to run associated processes for Containers. Sidecar does not have its own network, a Sidecar resource shares the network with the target container. For example, localhost in the sidecar is localhostin thecontainer`.

Sidecar resources are not routable in the same way as container resources are. You can not map an ingress to a sidecar and a sidecar can not expose ports. Traffic which is destined for a process running in a sidecar must be sent to the target container. The following example highlights this capability.

Minimal Example#

container "app" {  image {    name = "nicholasjackson/fake-service:v0.9.0"  }
  env {    key   = "LISTEN_ADDR"    value = ""  }
  # The app does not directly expose port 80  # Envoy in the sidecar is running on this Port  # Sidecars can not directly create ports as they attach to the containers  # network  port {    local  = 80    remote = 80    host   = 8080  }}
sidecar "envoy" {  target = ""    image {    name = "envoyproxy/envoy:v1.14.1"  }
  command = ["envoy", "-c", "/config/envoy.yaml"]
  volume {    source      = "./envoyconfig.yaml"    destination = "/config/envoy.yaml"  }}
network "cloud" {    subnet = ""}

Run this example:#

shipyard run

Inspect the Service:

➜ curl localhost:8080{  "name": "Service",  "uri": "/",  "type": "HTTP",  "ip_addresses": [    ""  ],  "start_time": "2020-04-21T12:44:55.259703",  "end_time": "2020-04-21T12:44:55.259774",  "duration": "71.7µs",  "Headers": null,  "body": "Hello World",  "code": 200}



Type: []string
Required: false

Depends on allows you to specify resources which should be created before this one. In the instance of a destruction, this container will be destroyed before resources in.


Type: string
Required: true

Target container to attach the sidecar to, e.g. container.consul.


Type: image
Required: true

Image defines a Docker image to use when creating the container.


Type: []string
Required: false

Entrypoint allows you to specify a command to execute when starting a container. Entrypoint is specified as an array of strings, each part of the command is a separate string. For example, to start a container and follow logs at /dev/null the following command could be used.

command = [    "tail",    "-f",    "/dev/null"]

Entrypoint can be used in addition with command, Docker containers often define an entrypoint which configures the base command to run, command is then used to specify additional parameters.


Type: []string
Required: false

Command allows you to specify a command to execute when starting a container. Command is specified as an array of strings, each part of the command is a separate string. For example, to start a container and follow logs at /dev/null the following command could be used.

command = [    "tail",    "-f",    "/dev/null"]


Type: key_value
Required: false

An env stanza allows you to set environment variables in the container. This stanza can be specified multiple times.

env {  key   = "PATH"  value = "/usr/local/bin"}


Type: volume
Required: false

A volume allows you to specify a local volume which is mounted to the container when it is created. This stanza can be specified multiple times.

volume {  source      = "./"  destination = "/files"}


Type: boolean
Required: false Default: false

Should the container run in Docker privileged mode?


Type: health_check
Required: false

Define a health check for the container, the resource will only be marked as successfully created when the health check passes.

health_check {  timeout = "30s"  http    = "http://localhost:8500/v1/status/leader"}


Type: integer
Required: false Default: 0

The maximum number of times a sidecar will be restarted when it exits with a status code other than 0

Type image#

Image defines a Docker image used when creating this container. An Image can be stored in a public or a private repository.


Type: string
Required: true

Name of the image to use when creating the container, can either be the full canonical name or short name for Docker official images. e.g. consul:v1.6.1 or


Type: string
Required: false

Username to use when connecting to a private image repository


Type: string
Required: false

Password to use when connecting to a private image repository, for both username and password interpolated environment variables can be used in place of static values.

image {  name     = ""  username = env("REGISTRY_USERNAME")  password = env("REGISTRY_PASSWORD")}

Type key_value#

A key_value type allows you to specify a key and and an associated value.


Type: string
Required: false


Type: string
Required: false

Type volume#

A volume type allows the specification of an attached volume.


Type: string
Required: true

The source volume to mount in the container, can be specified as a relative ./ or absolute path /usr/local/bin. Relative paths are relative to the file declaring the container.


Type: string
Required: true

The destination in the container to mount the volume to, must be an absolute path.


Type: string "bind", "volume", "tmpfs"
Required: false Default: "bind"

The type of the mount, can be one of the following values:

  • bind - bind the source path to the destination path in the container
  • volume - source is a Docker volume
  • tmpfs - create a temporary filesystem


Type: string "shared", "slave", "private", "rslave", "rprivate"
Required: false
Default: "rprivate"

Configures bind propagation for Docker volume mounts, only applies to bind mounts.

For more information please see the Docker documentation


Type: boolean
Required: false
Default: false

We are going to be 100% honest, we have no idea what this option does, but it is a thing so we made it configuable. Would love a PR if you actually know how this is supposed to work.

For more information please see the Docker documentation

Type health_check#

A health_check stanza allows the definition of a health check which must pass before the container is marked as successfully created.


Type: duration
Required: true

The maximum duration to wait before marking the health check as failed. Expressed as a Go duration, e.g. 1s = 1 second, 100ms = 100 milliseconds.


Type: string
Required: true

The URL to check, health check expects a HTTP status code 200 to be returned by the URL in order to pass the health check. Status code will be user configurable at a later date.

Full Example#

container "app" {  image {    name = "nicholasjackson/fake-service:v0.9.0"  }
  env {    key   = "LISTEN_ADDR"    value = ""  }
  # The app does not directly expose port 80  # Envoy in the sidecar is running on this Port  # Sidecars can not directly create ports as they attach to the containers  # network  port {    local  = 80    remote = 80    host   = 8080  }}
sidecar "envoy" {  depends_on = ["container.another"]  target     = ""    image {    name     = "envoyproxy/envoy:v1.14.1"    username = "repo_username"    password = "repo_password"  }
  command = [    "envoy",     "-c",     "/config/envoy.yaml"  ]
  volume {    source      = "./envoyconfig.yaml"    destination = "/config/envoy.yaml"  }
  env {    key   = "CONSUL_HTTP_ADDR"    value = "http://localhost:8500"  }      privileged = false}
network "cloud" {  subnet = ""}