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Run functional tests for the blueprint, this command will start the Shipyard blueprint specified by the location [blueprint] and run any functional tests specified in the test subdirectory.

For more information, take a look at the Testing Tutorial

Command Usage#

Run functional tests for the blueprint, this command will start the shipyard blueprint
Usage:  shipyard test [blueprint]
Flags:      --force-update         When set to true Shipyard will ignore cached images or files and will download all resources  -h, --help                 help for test      --purge                When set to true Shipyard will remove any cached images or blueprints      --test-folder string   Specify the folder containing the functional tests.

Example test#

The following example shows a test which would start a blueprint, and assert that the defined resources are created and running, as well as applications defined by the blueprint are accessible and functioning correctly by checking the HTTP response. For more information on the statements please see the Testing Statements section below.

Feature: Docker Container  In order to test Shipyard creates containers correctly  I should apply a blueprint which defines a simple container setup  and test the resources are created correctly
Scenario: Single Container from Local Blueprint  Given the following environment variables are set    | key            | value                 |    | CONSUL_VERSION | 1.8.0                 |    | ENVOY_VERSION  | 1.14.3                |  And I have a running blueprint  Then the following resources should be running    | name                      | type      |    | onprem                    | network   |    | consul                    | container |    | envoy                     | sidecar   |    | consul-container-http     | ingress   |  And a HTTP call to "" should result in status 200  And a HTTP call to "" should result in status 200

Running Tests#

The following example would test the blueprint in the folder ./examples/container, functional tests are expressed using the Gherkin syntax and stored in the folder ./examples/container/test.

The --purge flag will remove all downloaded images, Helm charts, or external blueprints after running the tests. This is to ensure that each scenario has no cached dependencies from a previous test.

shipyard test --purge ./examples/container Feature: Docker Container  In order to test Shipyard creates containers correctly  I should apply a blueprint which defines a simple container setup  and test the resources are created correctly
  Scenario: Single Container from Local Blueprint                                                                   # examples/container/test/container.feature:6    Given the following environment variables are set                                                               # test.go:309 -> *CucumberRunner      | key            | value  |      | CONSUL_VERSION | 1.8.0  |      | ENVOY_VERSION  | 1.14.3 |    And I have a running blueprint                                                                                  # test.go:141 -> *CucumberRunner    Then the following resources should be running                                                                  # test.go:189 -> *CucumberRunner      | name                  | type      |      | onprem                | network   |      | consul                | container |      | envoy                 | sidecar   |      | consul-container-http | ingress   |    And a HTTP call to "" should result in status 200     # test.go:277 -> *CucumberRunner    And a HTTP call to "" should result in status 200 # test.go:277 -> *CucumberRunner

Testing Statements#

When writing features the following statements can be used:


I have a running blueprint#

The statement I have a running blueprint creates the resources in the blueprint.

Scenario: Single Container from Local Blueprint  Given I have a running blueprint

I have a running blueprint using version "<version>"#

This statement starts a blueprint using a specific version of Shipyard.

Scenario: Single Container from Local Blueprint  Given I have a running blueprint using version "0.1.2"

I have a running blueprint at path "<path>"#

This statement allows you to run a blueprint at the given path, you can use this in combination with the main blueprint for the tests. This can be useful to setup test data, etc.

Scenario: Single Container from Local Blueprint  Given I have a running blueprint  And I have a running blueprint at path "./testsetup/container"

I have a running blueprint at path "<path>" using version "<version>"#

Starts a blueprint at the given path using a specific Shipyard version. You can use Matrix testing with these statements to test your blueprints with different Shipyard versions.

Scenario: Single Container from Local Blueprint  Given I have a running blueprint at path "./testsetup/container" using version "<version>"  Examples:    | consul            | envoy    |    | 1.8.0             | 1.14.3   |    | 1.7.3             | 1.14.3   |

the environment variable "<key>" has a value "<value>"#

This statement allows you to set environment variables for your blueprints before executing the tests.

Scenario: Single Container from Local Blueprint  Given the environment variable "CONSUL_VERSION" has a value "1.8.0"  And I have a running blueprint

Environment variables can be interpolated inside of your blueprints and allow you to create dynamic code. For example the following allows you to set the version of a Docker container using an environment variable.

container "consul" {  image   {    name = "consul:${env("CONSUL_VERSION")}"  }}

When you run your tests the environment variable will be set and interpolated before the blueprint is created.

The following environment variables are set#

This statement is similar to the previous except you can define the list of environment variables using a table.

Scenario: Single Container from Local Blueprint  Given the following environment variables are set    | key            | value                 |    | CONSUL_VERSION | 1.8.0                 |    | ENVOY_VERSION  | 1.14.3                |  And I have a running blueprint

the following shipyard variables are set#

This statement allows you to set the value for any Shipyard variables which may be used by the blueprint

Scenario: Single Container from Local Blueprint  Given the following shipyard variables are set    | key            | value                 |    | consul_version | 1.8.0                 |    | envoy_version  | 1.14.3                |  And I have a running blueprint

When you run your tests the environment varaible will be set and interpolated before the blueprint is created.


there should be a "<resource type>" running called "<name>"#

This statement allows you to write an assertion that a particular resources has been created. The first parameter is the type of the resource and the second the name.

Scenario: Single Container from Local Blueprint  Given I have a running blueprint  Then there should be a "container" running called "consul"

the following resources should be running#

This statement performs the same function as the previous but allows you top specify a table of resources. The table must start with a header row containing the columns name and type.

Scenario: Single Container from Local Blueprint  Given I have a running blueprint  Then the following resources should be running    | name                      | type      |    | onprem                    | network   |

a HTTP call to "<uri>" should result in the status <http response code>#

This statement allows you to make an HTTP request to a URI and to check the HTTP status code returned. The given URI will be checked a number of times until the status code is matched or the check times out.

Scenario: Single Container from Local Blueprint  Given I have a running blueprint  Then a HTTP call to "" should result in status 200  And the response body should contain ""

the response body should contain "<value>"#

In addition to check the HTTP status code you can also check that a paricular text string is present in the response body.

Scenario: Single Container from Local Blueprint  Given I have a running blueprint  Then a HTTP call to "" should result in status 200  And the response body should contain ""

the info "<jsonPath>" for the running "<type>" called "<name>" should equal "<value>"#

This statement allows you to check the value in the resource info for the given type and name. You can query any of the parameters and values such as ports, volumes, networks, startup commands, etc.

Scenario: Single Container from Local Blueprint  Given I have a running blueprint  Then there should be a "container" running called "consul"  And the info "{.HostConfig.PortBindings['8500/'][0].HostPort}" for the running "container" called "consul" should equal "8500"

the info "<jsonPath>" for the running "<type>" called "<name>" should contain "<value>"#

Scenario: Single Container from Local Blueprint  Given I have a running blueprint  Then there should be a "container" running called "consul"  And the info "{.HostConfig.PortBindings['8500/'][0].HostPort}" for the running "container" called "consul" should contain "85"

the info "<jsonPath>" for the running "<type>" called "<name>" should exist`#

Checks that there is a value at the given jsonPath for the type and that the value is not null

Scenario: Single Container from Local Blueprint  Given I have a running blueprint  Then there should be a "container" running called "consul"  And the info "{.HostConfig.PortBindings['8500/'][0].HostPort}" for the running "container" exists"

when I run the command "<command>"#

Allows a command or executable script to be used as an assertion. The test runner executes the command and stores the result, the value of which can be asserted by future statements.

Scenario: Single Container from Local Blueprint  Given I have a running blueprint  Then there should be a "container" running called "consul"  When I run the command "curl https://localhost:8500/v1/status"  Then I expect the exit code to be 0

when I run the script#

Executes an inline script the results of which can be used for a future assertion.

Scenario: Single Container from Local Blueprint  Given I have a running blueprint  Then there should be a "container" running called "consul"  When I run the script    ```      #!/bin/bash      curl http://localhost:8500/v1/status    ```  Then I expect the exit code to be 0

I expect the exit code to be <code>#

Assertion statement to be used with the script or command execution statement.

Scenario: Single Container from Local Blueprint  Given I have a running blueprint  Then there should be a "container" running called "consul"  When I run the script    ```      #!/bin/bash      curl http://localhost:8500/v1/status    ```  Then I expect the exit code to be 0

I expect the response to contain "<value>"#

Assertion statement to be used with the script or command execution statement.

This assertion may contain a partial string which is matched in the output from the command or script, or can be a simple regular experession.

Scenario: Single Container from Local Blueprint  Given I have a running blueprint  Then there should be a "container" running called "consul"  When I run the script    ```      #!/bin/bash      curl http://localhost:8500/v1/status    ```  Then I expect the exit code to be 0  And I expect the response to contain "8500"  And I expect the response to contain "`[0-9]{4}`"

Matrix testing#

In addition to simple tests it is possible to excute a test multiple times using a matrix of values. In the below example the Scenario would run once for every line specified in the Examples table.

Values from the Examples table can be interpolated at runtime by including the column name encapsulated by <> in your test statements. In the below example the environment variables CONSUL_VERSION and ENVOY_VERSION would be dynamically set to the values from the Example table.

Scenario: Single Container from Local Blueprint with multiple runs  Given the environment variable "CONSUL_VERSION" has a value "<consul>"  And the environment variable "ENVOY_VERSION" has a value "<envoy>"  And I have a running blueprint  Then the following resources should be running    | name                      | type      |    | onprem                    | network   |    | consul                    | container |    | envoy                     | sidecar   |    | consul-container-http     | ingress   |  And a HTTP call to "" should result in status 200  And the response body should contain ""  Examples:    | consul            | envoy    |    | 1.8.0             | 1.14.3   |    | 1.7.3             | 1.14.3   |

Example Resource Info#

[  {      "Id": "12ef40e9fe223f6de4b35701bed261975aed38ca0b5639f5c69d788ceceff384",      "Created": "2020-08-15T07:55:19.2839915Z",      "Path": "/",      "Args": [          "/etc/docker/registry/config.yml"      ],      "State": {          "Status": "running",          "Running": true,          "Paused": false,          "Restarting": false,          "OOMKilled": false,          "Dead": false,          "Pid": 31362,          "ExitCode": 0,          "Error": "",          "StartedAt": "2020-08-15T07:55:19.556512Z",          "FinishedAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"      },      "Image": "sha256:2d4f4b5309b1e41b4f83ae59b44df6d673ef44433c734b14c1c103ebca82c116",      "ResolvConfPath": "/var/lib/docker/containers/12ef40e9fe223f6de4b35701bed261975aed38ca0b5639f5c69d788ceceff384/resolv.conf",      "HostnamePath": "/var/lib/docker/containers/12ef40e9fe223f6de4b35701bed261975aed38ca0b5639f5c69d788ceceff384/hostname",      "HostsPath": "/var/lib/docker/containers/12ef40e9fe223f6de4b35701bed261975aed38ca0b5639f5c69d788ceceff384/hosts",      "LogPath": "/var/lib/docker/containers/12ef40e9fe223f6de4b35701bed261975aed38ca0b5639f5c69d788ceceff384/12ef40e9fe223f6de4b35701bed261975aed38ca0b5639f5c69d788ceceff384-json.log",      "Name": "/",      "RestartCount": 0,      "Driver": "overlay2",      "Platform": "linux",      "MountLabel": "",      "ProcessLabel": "",      "AppArmorProfile": "",      "ExecIDs": null,      "HostConfig": {          "Binds": null,          "ContainerIDFile": "",          "LogConfig": {              "Type": "json-file",              "Config": {}          },          "NetworkMode": "default",          "PortBindings": {},          "RestartPolicy": {              "Name": "",              "MaximumRetryCount": 0          },          "AutoRemove": false,          "VolumeDriver": "",          "VolumesFrom": null,          "CapAdd": null,          "CapDrop": null,          "Capabilities": null,          "Dns": null,          "DnsOptions": null,          "DnsSearch": null,          "ExtraHosts": null,          "GroupAdd": null,          "IpcMode": "shareable",          "Cgroup": "",          "Links": null,          "OomScoreAdj": 0,          "PidMode": "",          "Privileged": false,          "PublishAllPorts": false,          "ReadonlyRootfs": false,          "SecurityOpt": null,          "UTSMode": "",          "UsernsMode": "",          "ShmSize": 67108864,          "Runtime": "runc",          "ConsoleSize": [              0,              0          ],          "Isolation": "",          "CpuShares": 0,          "Memory": 0,          "NanoCpus": 0,          "CgroupParent": "",          "BlkioWeight": 0,          "BlkioWeightDevice": null,          "BlkioDeviceReadBps": null,          "BlkioDeviceWriteBps": null,          "BlkioDeviceReadIOps": null,          "BlkioDeviceWriteIOps": null,          "CpuPeriod": 0,          "CpuQuota": 0,          "CpuRealtimePeriod": 0,          "CpuRealtimeRuntime": 0,          "CpusetCpus": "",          "CpusetMems": "",          "Devices": null,          "DeviceCgroupRules": null,          "DeviceRequests": null,          "KernelMemory": 0,          "KernelMemoryTCP": 0,          "MemoryReservation": 0,          "MemorySwap": 0,          "MemorySwappiness": null,          "OomKillDisable": false,          "PidsLimit": null,          "Ulimits": null,          "CpuCount": 0,          "CpuPercent": 0,          "IOMaximumIOps": 0,          "IOMaximumBandwidth": 0,          "MaskedPaths": [              "/proc/asound",              "/proc/acpi",              "/proc/kcore",              "/proc/keys",              "/proc/latency_stats",              "/proc/timer_list",              "/proc/timer_stats",              "/proc/sched_debug",              "/proc/scsi",              "/sys/firmware"          ],          "ReadonlyPaths": [              "/proc/bus",              "/proc/fs",              "/proc/irq",              "/proc/sys",              "/proc/sysrq-trigger"          ]      },      "GraphDriver": {          "Data": {              "LowerDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/41e99680e9e8515f09bd630b2c1c49500a05a8c3fbc28d7f07907941dcd4536e-init/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/98bff9ef7ca85776c6de7e3966efb47ff675a7f39841812590c0f08024a5e6f6/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/2c2723404c2f0bcd1e1d266a87baa2b00b1d05b81b39727d0e0df55fe38244a6/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/13744e9a9a26f3abced77f48ac025ca19d420788dba2664cc16eb1a9ae0fed87/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/3e51403fbee392da29a33b1b04e4a4edb63bb814104b54c8ab274451ca920bb7/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/f4e46ecd765e54f0421ace91045c54d8916e98c6667d18eb72f5a5c8b3ee37ca/diff",              "MergedDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/41e99680e9e8515f09bd630b2c1c49500a05a8c3fbc28d7f07907941dcd4536e/merged",              "UpperDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/41e99680e9e8515f09bd630b2c1c49500a05a8c3fbc28d7f07907941dcd4536e/diff",              "WorkDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/41e99680e9e8515f09bd630b2c1c49500a05a8c3fbc28d7f07907941dcd4536e/work"          },          "Name": "overlay2"      },      "Mounts": [          {              "Type": "volume",              "Name": "92d6f9cfce128c3df23dcb5f5622f17e3ae2d94a2bd7c202f564f28970aebcf1",              "Source": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/92d6f9cfce128c3df23dcb5f5622f17e3ae2d94a2bd7c202f564f28970aebcf1/_data",              "Destination": "/var/lib/registry",              "Driver": "local",              "Mode": "",              "RW": true,              "Propagation": ""          }      ],      "Config": {          "Hostname": "docker_registry",          "Domainname": "",          "User": "",          "AttachStdin": true,          "AttachStdout": true,          "AttachStderr": true,          "ExposedPorts": {              "5000/tcp": {}          },          "Tty": false,          "OpenStdin": false,          "StdinOnce": false,          "Env": [              "PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"          ],          "Cmd": [              "/etc/docker/registry/config.yml"          ],          "Image": "registry:2",          "Volumes": {              "/var/lib/registry": {}          },          "WorkingDir": "",          "Entrypoint": [              "/"          ],          "OnBuild": null,          "Labels": {}      },      "NetworkSettings": {          "Bridge": "",          "SandboxID": "ea49aece32ef31f629762575fda1665e84e55a5aa5419131f7c04e75926e6a28",          "HairpinMode": false,          "LinkLocalIPv6Address": "",          "LinkLocalIPv6PrefixLen": 0,          "Ports": {              "5000/tcp": null          },          "SandboxKey": "/var/run/docker/netns/ea49aece32ef",          "SecondaryIPAddresses": null,          "SecondaryIPv6Addresses": null,          "EndpointID": "",          "Gateway": "",          "GlobalIPv6Address": "",          "GlobalIPv6PrefixLen": 0,          "IPAddress": "",          "IPPrefixLen": 0,          "IPv6Gateway": "",          "MacAddress": "",          "Networks": {              "local": {                  "IPAMConfig": null,                  "Links": null,                  "Aliases": [                      "12ef40e9fe22"                  ],                  "NetworkID": "87bcf0c4fd53cd692d6f74470e70bc47844661b6a00847576ccd01ceac077a2c",                  "EndpointID": "4fd2e0cfc32fb3e84a5cae643839b8ca1217005967a477d18eaa3f3dff68083a",                  "Gateway": "",                  "IPAddress": "",                  "IPPrefixLen": 16,                  "IPv6Gateway": "",                  "GlobalIPv6Address": "",                  "GlobalIPv6PrefixLen": 0,                  "MacAddress": "02:42:0a:05:00:02",                  "DriverOpts": null              }          }      }  }]