The destroy command, removes the currently defined resources.
Command UsageDestroy the current stack or file. If the optional parameter "file" is passed then only the resources contained in the file will be destroyed
Usage: shipyard destroy [file] [flags]
Examples: shipyard destroy
Flags: -h, --help help for destroy
Exampleโ shipyard destroy2020-08-16T13:33:31.160+0100 [INFO] Destroy Kubernetes configuration: ref=app config=[/home/nicj/go/src/]2020-08-16T13:33:31.160+0100 [INFO] Destroy Ingress: ref=app type=ingress2020-08-16T13:33:31.394+0100 [INFO] Destroy Cluster: ref=k3s2020-08-16T13:33:31.832+0100 [INFO] Destroy Network: ref=local