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The module resource allows a blueprint to reference other files or blueprints. Blueprints can be referenced from the local file system or from GitHub repositories

Minimal Example#

network "onprem" {  subnet = ""}
# Reference a local Blueprint stored in a sub foldermodule "consul" {  source = "./sub_module"}
# Reference a remote Blueprint stored in a GitHub repositorymodule "nomad" {  source = ""}

Run this example:#

shipyard run configuration from:  ./examples/modules
2020-04-27T08:49:04.205+0100 [DEBUG] Statefile does not exist2020-04-27T08:49:04.206+0100 [INFO]  Creating Network: ref=cloud2020-04-27T08:49:04.206+0100 [INFO]  Creating Network: ref=onprem2020-04-27T08:49:19.232+0100 [INFO]  Creating Container: ref=consul2020-04-27T08:49:19.323+0100 [DEBUG] Image exists in local cache: image=consul:1.7.2# ...



Type: string
Required: true

Source of the Blueprint to include, can either be a local path ./sub_folder or a remote GitHub repository


Type: []string
Required: false

Depends On allows you to attach dependencies to module creation, dependencies in Shipyard control the order by which resources are created and destroyed. In the following example the module nomad would not be created until all the resources defined by module consul have been created.

module "consul" {  source = "./sub_module"}
// Reference a remote Blueprint stored in a GitHub repositorymodule "nomad" {  depends_on = ["module.consul"]  source = ""}