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Remote Exec

The Remove Exec resource allows the execution of arbitrary commands and scripts. Execution can either be in a stand alone container or can target an existing and running container.

Minimal Example#

Register a service in Consul using a standalone container#

# Full example can be found at /examples/exec_remote/exec_stand_alone
exec_remote "exec_standalone" {  depends_on = ["container.consul"]
  image {    name = "consul:1.7.2"  }    network {    name = "network.local"  }
  cmd = "consul"  args = [    "services",    "register",    "/config/redis.hcl"  ]
  # Mount a volume containing the config  volume {    source = "./config"    destination = "/config"  }
  env {    key = "CONSUL_HTTP_ADDR"    value = ""  }}

Run this example:

โžœ shipyard run
Running configuration from:  examples/exec_remote/exec_container
2020-04-29T09:15:23.331+0100 [DEBUG] Statefile does not exist2020-04-29T09:15:23.331+0100 [INFO]  Creating Network: ref=local2020-04-29T09:15:38.364+0100 [INFO]  Creating Container: ref=consul2020-04-29T09:15:38.463+0100 [DEBUG] Image exists in local cache: image=consul:1.7.22020-04-29T09:15:38.463+0100 [INFO]  Creating Container: ref=consul2020-04-29T09:15:38.490+0100 [DEBUG] Attaching container to network: ref=consul network=network.local2020-04-29T09:15:38.935+0100 [DEBUG] Performing health check for address: address= [DEBUG] Health check complete: address= [INFO]  Remote executing command: ref=exec_container command=consul args=[services, register, /config/redis.hcl] image=<nil>2020-04-29T09:15:39.942+0100 [DEBUG] 2020-04-29T09:15:40.188+0100 [DEBUG] Registered service: redis

Register a service in Consul using an existing container#

# Full example can be found at /examples/exec_remote/exec_stand_alone
exec_remote "exec_container" {  target = "container.consul"
  cmd = "consul"  args = [    "services",    "register",    "/config/redis.hcl"  ]}

Run this example:

โžœ shipyard run

Example output:

Running configuration from:  ./examples/exec_remote/exec_container
2020-04-29T09:09:48.593+0100 [DEBUG] Statefile does not exist2020-04-29T09:09:48.593+0100 [INFO]  Creating Network: ref=local2020-04-29T09:10:03.625+0100 [INFO]  Creating Container: ref=consul2020-04-29T09:10:03.725+0100 [DEBUG] Image exists in local cache: image=consul:1.7.22020-04-29T09:10:03.725+0100 [INFO]  Creating Container: ref=consul2020-04-29T09:10:03.755+0100 [DEBUG] Attaching container to network: ref=consul network=network.local2020-04-29T09:10:04.181+0100 [DEBUG] Performing health check for address: address= [DEBUG] Health check complete: address= [INFO]  Remote executing command: ref=exec_container command=consul args=[services, register, /config/redis.hcl] image=<nil>2020-04-29T09:10:05.189+0100 [DEBUG] 2020-04-29T09:10:05.435+0100 [DEBUG] Registered service: redis



Type: []string
Required: false

Depends on allows you to specify resources which should be created before this one. In the instance of a destruction, this container will be destroyed before resources in.


Type: string
Required: false

Target container to execute the command in.

One of target or image must be specified.


Type: network_attachment
Required: false

Attaches the container to an existing network defined by the network resource stanza. This block can be specified multiple times to attach the container to multiple networks.

This block is ignored when target is specified.


Type: image
Required: false

Image defines a Docker image to use when creating the container.

image is a required property when target is not used, a new container is created using the defined image, used for execution of the command.

One of image or target must be specified.


Type: string
Required: false

Command allows you to specify a command to execute when starting a container.


Type: []string
Required: false

Arguments passed to the command to execute when starting a container. For example, to execute a command which installs Shipyard the following command and arguments can be used.

command = "curl"
args = [    "",    "|",    "bash",    "-s"]


Type: string
Required: false

Set the working directory where the command will be executed.


Type: key_value
Required: false

An environment stanza allows you to set environment variables in the container. This stanza can be specified multiple times.

env {  key = "PATH"  value = "/usr/local/bin"}


Type: volume
Required: false

A volume allows you to specify a local volume which is mounted to the container when it is created. This stanza can be specified multiple times.

Volumes can NOT be attached when a target is specified as it is not possible to add volumes to running containers. Volumes can only be used when an image is defined.

volume {  source      = "./"  destination = "/files"}