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The template resource allows text templates using Go's template format to be processed as part of the resource creation process. For example you can use the template resource to prepare configuration files for your applications.

Variables can be defined as a map in the vars attribute which are available for substitution using the root Go template object .Vars. For example to replace insert the value of the vars item data_dir the following syntax can be used.

data_dir = "#{{ .Vars.data_dir }}"

All supported features o Go Templates such as variable substitution, loops and conditional statements are supported by the Shipyard implementation.

To ensure that Shipyard templates can produce content which could be interpreted by standard Go templates, and which does not clash with the interpolation syntax, the delimters have been modifed from {{ and }} to #{{ and }}.

HereDoc Example#

The following example shows how the template can be embedded into the resource stanza using HereDoc syntax.

template "consul_config" {
  source = <<EOFdata_dir = "#{{ .Vars.data_dir }}"log_level = "DEBUG"
datacenter = "dc1"primary_datacenter = "dc1"
server = true
bootstrap_expect = 1ui = true
bind_addr = ""client_addr = ""advertise_addr = ""
ports {  grpc = 8502}
connect {  enabled = true}EOF
  destination = "./consul_config/consul.hcl"
  vars = {    data_dir = "/tmp"  }}

The file produced from this example would be as follows:

data_dir = "/tmp"log_level = "DEBUG"
datacenter = "dc1"primary_datacenter = "dc1"
server = true
bootstrap_expect = 1ui = true
bind_addr = ""client_addr = ""advertise_addr = ""
ports {  grpc = 8502}
connect {  enabled = true}

External File Example#

To leverage external files you can use the file function which loads a file returning a string. This example also shows how the depends_on attribute can be used to ensure a template is processed before it is consumed.

template "consul_config" {
  source = file("./mytemplate.hcl")   destination = "./consul_config/consul.hcl"
  vars = {    data_dir = "/tmp"  }}
container "consul" {  depends_on = ["template.consul_config"]
  image   {    name = "consul:${var.consul_version}"  }
  command = ["consul", "agent", "-config-file=/config/consul.hcl"]
  volume {    source      = "./consul_config"    destination = "/config"  }}

Inline Variables#

In addtion to the Go template syntax when using HereDoc it is possible to direcly inline Shipyard variables and functions as shown by the following example.

template "consul_config" {
  source = <<EOFdata_dir = "${data_dir()}"log_level = "DEBUG"
datacenter = "${var.datacenter}"
server = ${var.server}EOF
  destination = "./consul_config/consul.hcl"


The template resource provides custom functions that can be used inside your templates as shown in the example below.

template "consul_config" {
  source = <<EOF
file_content = "#{{ file "./myfile.txt" }}"quote = #{{ .Var.something | quote }} trim = #{{ .Var.with_whitespace | trim | quote }}
  destination = "./consul_config/consul.hcl"

file [path]#

Reads the contents of a file from the given path

# given a file ./myfile.txt with the contents "foo bar"
file "./myfile.txt" would return "foo bar"

quote [string]#

Returns the original string wrapped in quotations, quote can be used with the Go template pipe modifier.

$ given the string abc
quote "abc" would return the value "abc"

trim [string]#

Removes whitespace such as carrige returns and spaces from the begining and the end of the string, can be used with the Go template pipe modifier.

$ given the string abc
trim " abc " would return the value "abc"



Type: []string
Required: false

Depends on allows you to specify resources which should be created before this one. In the instance of a destruction, this container will be destroyed before resources in.


Type: string
Required: true

The template source specified as a string, it is possible to leverage the file function to load external files and HereDoc syntax for multi line templates.


Type: string
Required: true

The destination file that will be written by the template resource. If relative file is specified, Shipyard will replace this to be an absolute path relative to the config file containing the resource.


Type: map[string]string
Required: false

Variables that can be used within templates. Shipyard functions and Shipyard variables can be used in this map.

vars = { my_home = env("HOME") docker_ip = docker_ip() my_variable = var.consul}