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Nomad Cluster

The resource type nomad_cluster allows you to create Nomad clusters.

Image Caching#

To save bandwidth all images launched from either the Nomad server or the clients are cached by Shipyard. Currently images from the following registries are cached:


To clear the cache, you can use the purge command.

Minimal Example#

nomad_cluster "dev" {  network {    name = "local"  }    env {    key = "CONSUL_SERVER"    value = ""  }}
container "consul" {  image {    name = "consul:1.10.1"  }
  command = ["consul", "agent", "-config-file=/config/consul.hcl"]
  volume {    source      = "./files"    destination = "/config"  }
  network {    name = "network.local"  }}
network {  name = "local"}
output "NOMAD_HTTP_ADDR" {  value = cluster_api("")}
shipyard run

Nomad automatically exposes the API port 4646 on the host, however to allow multiple clusters the host port is randomized. To determine the api port the Shipyard function cluster_api can be used. The following example shows how this can be used as an output variable.

output "NOMAD_HTTP_ADDR" {  value = cluster_api("")}



Type: []string
Required: false

Depends on allows you to specify resources which should be created before this one. In the instance of a destruction, this container will be destroyed before resources in.


Type: network_attachment
Required: true

Network attaches the container to an existing network defined in a separate stanza. This block can be specified multiple times to attach the container to multiple networks.


Type: string
Required: false

Nomad version to use, for a list of supported values please see the docker hub tags below. If not specified the latest version of the driver will be used.


Type: int
Required: false Default: 0

Number of client nodes to create for a cluster, a value of 0 creates a combined server and client.


Type: key_value
Required: false

An env stanza allows you to set environment variables for nodes in the cluster. This stanza can be specified multiple times.

env {  key   = "PATH"  value = "/usr/local/bin"}


Type: image
Required: false

The image block allows you to specify images which will be copied from the local cache to the remote cluster. Kubernetes clusters have their own local Docker image cache, if images are not preloaded to the local cache then Kubernetes will attempt to retrieve these from a remote repository when starting a container.

image can also be used to push local builds which are not stored in a remote container registry.

Can be specified multiple times.


Type: string
Required: false

Path to a file containing additional server configuration to add to the cluster.

By default the server is created with the following config, stored at the filepath /etc/nomad.d/config.hcl.

data_dir = "/etc/nomad.d/data"
server {  enabled = true  bootstrap_expect = 1}

Specifying this parameter will mount the file given to the server container at the path /etc/nomad.d/server_user_config.hcl. When starting, Nomad merges all configuration files in the directory /etc/nomad.d/

For a full list of permissable configuration entries please see the Nomad documentation.


Type: string
Required: false

Path to a file containing additional client configuration to add to the cluster. By default client nodes are created with the following config, stored at the filepath /etc/nomad.d/config.hcl. In the instance that the client_nodes parameter is set to 0, the following client config is merged with the server config.

data_dir = "/etc/nomad.d/data"
client {    enabled = true
    server_join {        retry_join = ["%s"]    }}
plugin "raw_exec" {  config {    enabled = true  }}

Specifying this parameter will mount the file given to the server container at the path /etc/nomad.d/client_user_config.hcl. When starting, Nomad merges all configuration files in the directory /etc/nomad.d/

For a full list of permissable configuration entries please see the Nomad documentation.


Type: string
Required: false

By default, the Nomad server and clients nodes run Consul Agent as a daemon. This allows Nomad to register with Consul and perform service discovery.

The default configuration for Consul is stored at the filepath /etc/consul.d/config/config.hcl and contains the following:

data_dir  = "/tmp/"log_level = "DEBUG"
server = false
bind_addr      = ""client_addr    = ""advertise_addr = "{{GetInterfaceIP \"eth0\"}}"
ports {  grpc = 8502}
connect {  enabled = true}

This parameter is a location to a file containing additional Consul configuration that you would like to apply to the Nomad server and clients.

For example, to configure the local Consul agent to join an external Consul cluster, you could use the following:

template "nomad_config" {
  source = <<-EOS  datacenter = "dc1"  retry_join = [""]  EOS
  destination = "${data("nomad-config")}/consul_config.hcl"}
nomad_cluster "dev" {  client_nodes = "${var.client_nodes}"
  network {    name = ""  }
  consul_config = "${data("nomad-config")}/consul_config.hcl"}


Type: volume
Required: false

A volume allows you to specify a local volume which is mounted to the container when it is created. This stanza can be specified multiple times. This can be used to mount custom configuration for custom clusters such as registry configuration for K3s

volume {  source      = "./files/registries.yaml"  destination = "/etc/rancher/k3s/registries.yaml"}