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The env command prints a formatted list of environment variables defined in a blueprint which can be interpreted by the operating system.

Example blueprint defining environment variables -

---title: "Example blueprint file"author: "Nic Jackson"slug: "example"env:  - KUBECONFIG=$HOME/.shipyard/config/k3s/kubeconfig.yaml  - VAULT_ADDR=http://localhost:18200  - VAULT_TOKEN=root---
This blueprint contains environment variables which can be displayed using the "env" command.

Example defining environment variables using output resources

output "KUBECONFIG" {  value = k8s_config("k3s")}

Command Usage#

Prints environment variables defined by the blueprint
Usage:  shipyard env [flags]
  # Display environment variables  shipyard env    VAR1=value  VAR2=value    # Set environment variables on Linux based systems  eval $(shipyard env)      # Set environment variables on Windows based systems  Invoke-Expression "shipyard env" | ForEach-Object { Invoke-Expression $_ }
  # Unset environment variables on Linux based systems  eval $(shipyard env --unset)
  # Unset environment variables on Windows based systems  Invoke-Expression "shipyard env --unset" | ForEach-Object { Remove-Item $_ }

Flags:  -h, --help    help for env      --unset   When set to true Shipyard will print unset commands for environment variables defined by the blueprint